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Take off to Primary 1 Chinese 升小一必备练习华文 (5-7 years old)

Take off to Primary 1 Chinese 升小一必备练习华文 (5-7 years old)


Entering the primary school is an important milestone for any child and it is never too early to get prepared.

Aligned to the MOE syllabus for Primary 1, the Take Off to Primary 1 series equips your child with the necessary skills and knowledge for core subjects through age appropriate
activities and a systematic, step-by-step approach.

Take Off to Primary 1 Chinese contains a variety of practice questions that engage the child in active learning and introduce them to the content and types of questions they might encounter in Primary 1. Key components of Chinese language learning are introduced gradually and progressively to build the foundation for your child. A Parents’ Guide is also provided online to help the parent or teacher further guide the child through the process.

Take Off to Primary 1 Chinese will help your child get started on his or her academic journey with success and confidence.

(升小一必备练习) 是一套专为准备升上小学的 学生而设计的学前作业, 分华文、英文、数学三 本。本书根据小学华文一年级教材编写, 按部就班 地为学生提供补充练习, 让学生有系统地了解小学 课程的内容和各种测试项目的作答方式, 信心十足 地做好入学前的准备。线上平台附上 (家长指导 手册) , 辅助家长和老师教学。 本书包含的练习分成五个部分, 即笔画练习 . 习字、写词语、造句 .组句 、理解练习和作文 练习。每部分内容充实, 分量十足。

ISBN : 9789815043037

Number of pages: 278

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