High Frequency Series是一套适合学前及小学一年级学生使用的基础识字书,里头包含常用字介绍,练习以及闪卡,让小朋友透过各种有趣的练习巩固学习。
High Frequency Series is recommended for Kindergarten One and Two children to prepare them for Primary One. They are also suitable for Primary One pupils who have yet to read and spell high frequency words. Flash cards are included behind the book to reinforce the memory of the words.
English/Chinese Words: There are 128 target words which include most of the 100 commonly used words.Through different exercises which focus on specific reading or spelling skills, these books help children to be a better reader by exposing him to the high frequency words. The more fluent the child is as a reader, the better he will be in understanding what he reads.
ISBN : 9789814251587
Number of pages: 218
Author Tang Lao Shi