《幼儿华文》跟据新加坡教育部新编订的《学前华语教学指导原则》编写而成。 本练习 的设计分为语文篇、 思考编、EQ篇、体能篇、创意篇,内容涵盖语言、科学、数学、社会、健康、艺术各个领域。通过与幼儿日常生活习习相关的题材,启发儿童学习华文的兴趣,同时兼顾德、智、体、群、美五育的均衡发展。
本练习的内容,切合学前华语教学活动的基本目标,培养幼儿听、说、读、写的语言技能。 每一页练习的底部,都明确列出该页的教学目的。 练习以谈话活动, 看图说故事等练习锻炼儿童的听说能力,以读前练习、简单的认字练习、文字小故事等启发儿童学习华文的兴趣。采用“多学少写”的教学方式,让孩童在寓教于乐的活动中快乐学习。
My Jumbo Chinese Book is written on the Singapore MOE syllabus. It advocates Moral, Academic, Physical, Social and Aesthetics education. Each book includes 5 types of exercises - Language, Logic and Thinking, EQ, Physical Exercise and Creativity. The interactive exercises such as Matching, Circling, Colouring, Reading and Poem Recital make learning interesting and more enjoyable for young children. It adopts “learn more less writing” teaching method, thus allowing kids to learn in a fun and enjoyable way.
Recommended for 3 to 4 year old kinder level in Australia.
ISBN : 9789812519184
Number of pages: 304