Singapore Books News
What's the problem with our Australian schools?
Saw this article on The Sydney Morning Herald 12 May 2016 and decided to share on the blog. <Article and pictures from The Sydney Morning Herald> Australian schools are in deep trouble and students will continue to slip behind in reading, maths and science unless there is urgent action from all governments, a new report has warned. It's a grim picture of the country's education system, where high school students lag behind global standards, there is growing inequity and teaching has become an increasingly unattractive career.Australia was "drifting backwards", said the author of the report Geoff Masters, chief executive of...
Commonly Misspelled words
Saw this poster and decided to share with all of you. Let's look at them in detail. Do you make the same mistakes as well? We have books to hel your child improve grammar, vocab skills with our books. Check them out here. <Source> <source> Improve your kid's grammar, vocab skills with our books. Check them out here.
Pre-order of Singapore Science textbook & workbook set
{Pre-order Science books set} Our lower and upper science book sets have been very well received and sold out at the moment. We have been receiving requests on when they will be in stock. We are doing a pre-order (target arrival ~June) now. if you are interested, pls facebook PM us or email with your name and mobile number and we can keep the books aside for you when they arrive. Lower primary set is for Primary 3 & 4. Upper primary set is for Primary 5 & 6. For description/details about the books, pls visit our website